Unique Chemical Reaction Poster Project

_____ Mini Poster Project- Classifying Reaction Types Background There are many different types of chemical reactions in the world.
Chemical reaction poster project. In this project you will be creating a poster to demonstrate your knowledge of chemical reactions. Types of Chemical Reactions Synthesis The get together Decomposition- The break up Single Replacement- The Cheater Double Replacement- The Swap Combustion The Red names are helpful. Chemical Reactions Poster Project Due Date.
Chemical reaction to make another mixturereaction. You and your team must do some research on the chemical reaction I have assigned to your team. NaOH HCl NaCl H 2 O.
The goal of this second experiment is to determine which combination of materials created a. Project Synthesis Reaction Definition- It is the process by which many substances important to daily life are obtained. Photosynthesis Light-Dependent Chemical Equation Poster.
There will be a sign up sheet coming around- fill in who you handed your project into and if it was an email attachmentpostershared on google docs. Students must identify the heat source used to make the menu item served in their fictionalfactual restaurant. Download a zip file with printable versions of the posters by clicking below.
ScIeNCe Periodic Table Elements Word Chemistry Banner. Write a word or symbolic equation to represent a chemical reaction. Chemistry Unit Due_Friday September 28 2012_ Project You will be given a piece of construction paper on which to glue a standard 85x11 landscape page with a description of a chemical reaction.
This product is a fun project where students create a menu made by chemical reactions. Your group will be assigned one type of reaction and asked to create a poster based on that reaction type. You may choose one reaction from the list.