Out Of This World Chemical Elements Wordsearch

40 Common Elements of the Periodic Table - Solution.
Chemical elements wordsearch. Find them before time runs out. Or create your own word search PDF with our Word Search Maker. Search the grid for one of the words.
Element word search is a fun way to learn how to spell the names of the elements being introduced in class. See how many of these elements you can find in the grid below. The word should now be highlighted in red.
There are three difficulty settings each having less time to find the words and nine levels each with increasing numbers of words to find. Try your hardest to see how many of the element words you. These are all metals found on the periodic table.
Tes paid licenceHow can I reuse this. A bundle is a package of resources grouped together to. Word Search Maker More Puzzles Search.
It makes for a good homework project too. Click the download link. When you correctly select a word from the puzzle the word will be crossed off the list and a green checkmark will appear next to the word.
Copy this to my account. The words you need to find are listed to the right of the word search. These files contains six word-searches each listing approximately 20 chemical elements which the student will be asked to find in the grid.