Divine Formula Of Latent Heat

The heat absorbed by the material or the latent heat of fusion formula is expressed as when m kg of solid converts to a fluid at a constant temperature which is its melting point.
Formula of latent heat. Latent heat due to the moisture in air can be calculated in SI-units as. Therefore latent heat is dimensionally represented as M0 L2 T-2. Class 9 Chemistry Matter In Our Surroundings.
Check Other Dimensional Formulas. Latent Heat Formula Latent heat is energy released or absorbed by a body during a constant-temperature process for example a phase change of water from liquid to gas. Then the heat absorbed by it means the latent heat of fusion formula will be Q m times L_f Also if the temperature of some object varies from the lower temperature t_1 to higher temperature t_2.
The value of latent heat. The units for the latent heat of fusion or vaporisation is Jkg. Uses the SI unit joule per kilogram Jkg.
To turn the same amount of water into vapor we need Q 45294 J. In a phase change the heat capacity becomes infinite. In this video I derive a version of the shorthand formula for determining the latent heat during a typical HVAC dehumidificationhumidification process.
This equation states that the heat Q that must be added or removed for an object of mass m to change phases. Latent heat and enthalpy In this section we will develop the relationship between latent heat and enthalpy. What is latent heat of vaporization of class 9th.
M mass of the substance. Sensible heat mass of the body specific latent heat. For ex the latent heat of fusion of water or ice is 335kjkg and this should be multipied by mass of substance to get fixed amount of heat required for phase change.